Student feedbackSome typical feed back from a student at Brave Heart Tutoring with learning difficulties, completing a final Questionnaire at the end of 10 lessons: Questions are rated 1-10 with 10 being to a Great Extent 1. To what extent has Brave Heart Tutoring (BHT) helped you with organisation? – 9 2. To what extent has BHT helped you with avoiding distraction in class?-9 3. To what extent has BHT helped you summarise your text and how regularly do you use them? – “7 – Mind Maps are great. I do them regularly.” 4. To what extent has BHT he;ped you improve your motivation to do well at school? – 8 5. To what extent has BHT helped you improve your marks? -10 6. To what extent has BHT helped you feel less anxious in tests? -10 7. To what extent has BHT helped you learn that intelligence can be improved through effort and persistence? – 10 8. Describe how you would spend 4 hours studying for a test. An excellent answer was provided. 9. How has the Test Feedback sheet helped you deal with questions you got wrong? “I just think, Oh I could geet that part next time. Maybe I forgot to study that part.” 10. How has BHT helped you with hard questions in a test or exam? “I have done the stress reliever thing and all of my stress went away.” 11. How has BHT helped you to monitor your own learning? “I check the objectives for the unit. 12. What activities did you find least beneficial? “None” 13. What activities did you find most bebeficial? “All of them” 14. How helpful have you found the BHT overall? – 10 Parent feedback15. PARENT QUESTION – How beneficial do you think BHT has been for your son or daughter? – 10 |